
Easter Message and Live Stream Mass Schedule from Father Senior Gregory

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

I wish, as in past years, you can walk into our Parish Church on Easter and see for yourself the resurrection symbols and altars decked with beautiful Easter lilies. Unfortunately, this year we are operating under circumstances that have never occurred before. Even though we cannot be together, we must still remember and celebrate this very important day of our Catholic faith. This is the day on which the Church commemorates Christ’s glorious resurrection. As we know, every Sunday we state our belief in that principal Christian truth as we recite the Nicene Creed.

When Jesus died on the cross on that Friday afternoon, even His closest friends believed that the Master’s life had come to an end, as many believed at that time and even today. For these people, death was the final act.

My friends in the faith, the resurrected Lord is alive! We meet Him often, even though we are not aware of this. He is present within the Church. You meet Him when you receive the Sacraments; and Jesus becomes present on the altar during Mass. He is present in so many ways.

Not only are we celebrating Christ’s glorious resurrection, but we are also celebrating our future resurrection and eternal life. “Because I live, you will also live” (John 14, 19), Jesus promises us.

Remember…Church is not the building; but rather we, the people, are the Church. Although the building is closed, you must remain open. Join us for Holy Week, Easter Sunday and future Sundays during these challenging times as we celebrate these events through social media on our sister parish’s Facebook page, Church of the Transfiguration.

Happy Easter! Wesolych Swiat Wielkanocnych!

Yours in Christ,

Very Rev. Gregory Mludzik, Pastor

April 9, 2020 – Holy Thursday will live stream at 6:00pm EST

April 10, 2020 – Good Friday Services will live stream at 3:00pm EST

April 11, 2020 – Holy Saturday Services will live stream at 10:00am EST Easter Baskets will be blessed in the Wallington church parking lot “Drive Through” from 12:00pm – 1:00pm

April 12, 2020 – Easter Sunday Unity Mass will live stream at 10:00am EST

April 19, 2020 – Second Sunday of Easter Unity Mass will live stream at 10:00am EST

April 26, 2020 – Third Sunday of Easter Unity Mass will live stream at 10:00am EST

Easter Message and Live Stream Mass Schedule from Father Senior Gregory Read More »

Bishop Bernard’s Pastoral Letter on Discipleship

January, 2019

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you in our Central Diocesan family, and welcome to the Year of Discipleship in our holy Church!

In the words of our national PNCC Future Direction Sub-Committee recently given to us..…..As our Lord said to His disciples “Follow Me” for His public ministry, He continues to call us to follow Him and wants our relationship with Him to grow and strengthen as the days, months and years goes by.  Our PNCC is calling us to renew our Discipleship in our Lord this year and as we begin 2019…. 

Soooo – let’s get a handle on this idea of discipleship, shall we?

Not too long ago I was watching a Netflix presentation about the Masons, with a focus on their place of origin, Freemasons’ Hall in Great Queen Street, London.  As I became drawn into the narrative of this society’s founding and growth, I was struck by how clearly they laid out the expectations of a mason.  By contrast, I was struck by how often our Church is hesitant to name the expectations of discipleship for its members. 

Our Future Directions Sub-Committee has begun laying out these expectations and will continue that effort throughout the year.  I’d say, it all boils down to five basic opportunities to “grow and strengthen our relationship with Jesus.” 

Worship – We worship God together, through his Son Jesus.  Worshipping regularly is a part of who we are as Catholic Christians. The people of God join together in the house of God to worship and honor God (Psalm 150). Worship is about community: the Christian community gathers to worship, to pray together, and to continue its growth in the faith.

Grow – We become affiliated with a parish society, Bible study, the School of Christian Living to grow in faith and our walk with Jesus.  Jesus went to the synagogue “as was His custom” (Luke 4:16).  Synagogue for Jesus was a place of discernment, learning scripture, and growing in the knowledge and love of God and neighbor.  We join with other PNCC-ers here in order to grow together.

Mission – We are called to love our neighbors.  We are encouraged to be involved in some mission emphasis.  Jesus had a special place in His heart for the poor, marginalized, outcast, and lost. We are called to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus Christ in our world.  We seek to love and serve others and believe this is vital in our Christian walk.

Talents and Abilities – All of us have talents and abilities that can be used for the glory of God.  Some have the gift of teaching or leading.  Others have the gift of administration, or may be gifted in finance and can help the church to be faithful stewards of the gifts offered for ministry and mission.  Some have the gift of compassion, or love to send cards to those who are sick. Some feel called to reach out to the unchurched, while others have the gift of hospitality.  Yes, all of us have some God-given gift, talent, or ability that we can use for the glory of God.

Proportional Giving – Stewardship is a spiritual discipline and an act of worship.  Our offering is a recognition that everything we have and are is a gift to us from God.  We are all blessed.  We are all called by God to offer our first-fruits and our [portion] to God for the work of His kingdom (Leviticus 27:30-33; Deuteronomy 14:22-29).  Our offering at a regular percentage of giving is an act of gratitude, an act of obedience, and an act of our covenantal agreement with God.  Our offering is used, then, in ministry and mission on behalf of our Lord Jesus Christ.     

So let’s take time to reflect on these five expectations as we undertake a life of Catholic Christian discipleship.  After all, God proved he loves us so much by giving His only begotten Son to live among us, to teach us of God’s love and kingdom, to die that we might be forgiven, and to rise that we may have eternal life.  God has promised to be with us always.  Discipleship, then, is our faithful response to this God who “so loves the world”  (John 3:16)      

Peace and grace to all.

Bishop Bernard 

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Memory Eternal Very Reverend Ś+P Stanley Skrzypek

Our pastor, the Very Rev. śp. Stanley Skrzypek, 82, entered into eternal life on June 25, 2017.

Born in Pustynia-Kozlow, Poland, Fr. Sr. Skrzypek graduated for Panstwowe Liceum in Krakow, Poland, in 1952, Theological Institute of Krakow in 1956, and Savanarola Theological Seminary in Scranton, PA in 1958. Ordained a priest on January 21, 1959 by His Grace the Most Reverend Leon Grochowski, DD, Prime Bishop of the PNCC, at St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Cathedral, Scranton, PA, Fr. Skrzypek, was elevated to title Father Senior by His Excellency the Right Reverend Anthony M. Rysz, Bishop of the Central Diocese, on October 28, 1972.

Fr. Senior Skrzypek served many parishes in New York and Pennsylvania including St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Cathedral, Scranton, PA, as Assistant Pastor in 1959, All Saints PNCC, Rome, NY, St. Joseph PNCC, Middleport, PA, 1960-1963, Sacred Heart PNCC, Summit Hill, PA, 1960-1963, Blessed Virgin Mary of Czestochowa PNCC, Albany, 1964-1971, Sarced Heart of Jesus PNCC, New York Mills, NY, 1971-1997, and was appointed Pastor of Ss. Peter and Paul Polish National Catholic Church in November 1997, where he served until his death. Fr. Sr. Skrzypek also served as the Ecumenical Officer for the PNCC for many years, and was an Associate Member of the Legion of Valor.

Beloved husband for 48 years of Frances A. (Pilzys).

Eternal rest grant unto your servant O Lord, and may the perpetual light shine upon him.

Memory Eternal Very Reverend Ś+P Stanley Skrzypek Read More »

Fr. Senior Gregory Attends Meeting with Francis, Bishop of Rome

Fr. Senior Gregory was invited to attend A Witness to Peace; A Multireligious Gathering with Francis, Bishop of Rome on Friday, September 25th at the National Museum in New York City. The invitation recognized Fr. Senior Gregory’s and others efforts toward building bridges across religions and communities in New York City and beyond. The program was a common witness to peace, religious freedom, and respect for the others on the sacred ground that marked the sacrifice of so many on September 11, 2001.

Fr. Senior Gregory Attends Meeting with Francis, Bishop of Rome Read More »

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